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They can find help and healing through a Hope Restored® intensive.

  • 3-5 Day Intensive Counseling at an All-Inclusive, Resort-Style Destination
  • Christ-Centered, Proven Christian Marital Therapy with a 95% Satisfaction Rate
  • Distraction Free Experience Facilitated by Compassionate, Responsive Staff
  • Convenient Locations Across the U.S.
  • Scholarships Available
  • Couple can Find Immediate Help to Dramatically Improve Their Marriage and Family Dynamics
  • Couples Receive Valuable Support in in Days, Rather than Months or Years
  • They Will Leave with a Solid Foundation and Tools to Strengthen Their Marriage
  • They’ll Receive Stabilizing Aftercare Support, Including Two Complimentary Follow-Up Coaching Sessions

We’ve helped over 13,000 couples in crisis since 2003, and 82% of those surveyed after an intensive said they would recommend Hope Restored. 8 in 10 stayed together.

Hope Restored Intensives are NOT cookie-cutter seminars, workshops, or marriage retreats. Our Focus Marital Therapy™ method packs nearly a year’s worth of personalized, Gospel-centered counseling into a 3-to 5-day intensive, allowing you to break patterns of conflict and identify root problems more efficiently than a weekly counseling session. Throughout this journey, 6,000 Focus on the Family Marriage Champions are committed to praying for your marriage.

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With Scholarship Help, Qualifying Couples can Attend for as Low as $450

Matt & Alicia's story


Hope Restored

Thank you! We’ve received your inquiry about our Hope Restored marriage counseling intensives. Your concern is important to us. A reply may be expected no later than 2 business days. Please call 866.875.2915 if you are in a crisis situation.